Application of Scenario Thinking for Offshore Wind Development in the US

April 18, 2024 8:30am - April 18, 2024 9:15am

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Speaker: Brendon Keinath (RWE Offshore Wind US)


In 2021, the Biden-Harris administration set a goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030 and 110 gigawatts by 2050. The first commercial scale wind farms in the US are currently being installed off the East Coast and the industry is at a fever pitch. That said, there is still a significant amount of uncertainty around achieving these goals several decades out. In this case study, Decision Quality methods in Scenario Thinking were applied to understand key drivers (e.g., political, technical, supply chain, etc.) and develop future worlds to gain insights for circumstances where these goals are exceeded, met or missed in order to inform future planning.